Jul 02, 2021
Here’s how you can connect your Freshworks CRM account with LateShipment.com:
- Create a mandatory custom field to capture Tracking Numbers
- Login to your Freshworks CRM account
- Go to Admin Settings > CRM Customization > Leads Module
- Click on Additional Information
- Select Add field with these details
- Tracking Number as Field label
- Text area as Field type
- Select the checkboxes against “Mark this field as required” and Mark this field as unique
- Click Save.
- Enable Webhook
- Go to Admin Settings > Automation > Workflows > Create Workflow.
- Name your workflow.
Set up these conditions: - Which record type does this workflow apply to? – Pick “Lead”.
- When do you want to execute this workflow?
- Execute “whenever the record is created or updated”.
- Select run as “once, for each record”.
3. What conditions should trigger workflow actions?
- Set the Toggle to “AND”
- Add Condition > Lead Property > Select a field as “Tracking Number” > Pick “is not empty”.
- What actions should be performed?
- Add Action > Select Trigger Webhook.
4. Make the following updates under Webhook Settings:
- Select “Post” as Request Type.
- Paste the Webhook URL generated in your account under Callback URL
- Select Encoding as “JSON” and content type as “Simple”.
- Select the required fields under Content:
- Id
- First name
- Last name
- Emails
- Mobile
- mobile number
- Company website
- Order Details
Click Save.