Nov 11, 2024’s Estimated Delivery Date helps provide your customers with accurate delivery dates, improving their shopping experience. This guide will walk you through the steps to enable the Estimated Delivery Date widget on both your product and checkout pages in Shopify.
Enabling the widget on the Product Page:
- Go to the Themes section in the navigation bar of your Shopify admin account.
- Click on Customize.
- From the list of pages, select Products Page.
- Choose “Add Block”, then switch to Apps.
- From the list of apps, select LS Estimated Delivery Date.
- This will add the widget to the product details section.
- You can drag and reposition the widget to place it where you like.
Enabling the widget on the Checkout Page:
- Open settings from your admin account navigation menu
- Open Checkout.
- Under configurations, select customize
- From the list of pages, select Products Page.
- Choose “Add App Block”.
- From the list of apps, select LS Estimated Delivery Date.
- This will add the widget to the checkout page.
- You can drag and reposition the widget to place it where you like.