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Home > Shipping Insurance > Rule Engine Documentation - Shipping Insurance
Rule Engine Documentation - Shipping Insurance
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This guide will help you understand how to use our rule engine to apply shipping insurance policies effectively. With this rule engine, you can create custom policies based on various conditions related to shipping, products, and order values.


Rule Engine: Our rule engine is a tool that allows you to define conditions for applying shipping insurance policies.
Conditions: Conditions are criteria that must be met for a policy to apply. These conditions can include variables like shipping carrier, shipping carrier service, product value, product ID, product catalog, and order value.


Rule Creation:

Access the Rule Engine: Navigate to the Rule Engine section in your dashboard.

Click on the "Create New Rule" button to begin crafting your insurance policy.



Match “All” Conditions: "Match All Conditions" means that all the conditions you set must be met simultaneously for the rule to apply. 


Here's an example:
Condition 1: Shipping Carrier is "FedEx" | Condition 2: Shipping Carrier Service is "Express" | Condition 3: Product Value is greater than $500
In this case, the insurance policy will only apply if the shipping method is FedEx Express, and the product's value exceeds $500.


Match “Any” Conditions: "Match Any Conditions" allows the policy to apply if any of the specified conditions are met. 

For example:
Condition 1: Order Value is greater than $1,000 | Condition 2: Product Catalog is "Electronics"
With "Match Any Conditions," the insurance policy applies if either the order value exceeds $1,000 or the product falls under the "Electronics" category.


Rule Prioritization:

  • Rules may sometimes overlap or conflict.
  • Assign priorities to your rules. Rules with higher priorities take precedence.
  • Ensure your rules are well-organized to avoid conflicts and ambiguities.

Before applying rules to live shipments, it's crucial to:

  • Test your rules in a controlled environment to ensure they work as intended.
  • Validate rule outcomes to avoid unexpected policy applications.


The Shipping Insurance Policy Rule Engine offers flexibility and customization to tailor insurance policies to your specific business needs. Experiment with different conditions and create rules that optimize your insurance coverage for shipping scenarios. Feel free to adapt this example to your specific use case, and include additional details or examples as needed.

If you have any questions or need assistance: Check our knowledge base and FAQs for additional resources.


Contact our support team for personalized help with creating and managing insurance rules.

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