Jul 01, 2021
Tickets created with the LateShipment.com integration can be further automated using the automation, macros and canned responses to customers.
Create rules to add appropriate tags to proactively reach out to customers about the status of an order when there is an issue. (Example of a rule in Gorgias Helpdesk)
Create Macros to help proactively reach out to customers about the status of an order when there is an issue while in transit.
Use macros effectively with the latest status of the shipment to provide the most contextual communication.
View our series on handling shipping related customer tickets with Freshdesk below:
1. Reducing ticket volumes pertaining to order status requests:
2. Managing Failed Deliveries and avoiding Returned Shipments:
3. Avoiding low customer satisfaction scores on late order deliveries:
4. Handling lost and damaged shipments on Freshdesk
5. Dealing with delivery delays or errors on high-value customer orders.